Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Blog Renovation!

Welcome to my new blog!!! =)

Under all technicalities, this isn't a new blog. The URL is changed from the former 'youllneedastamp' to the new and improved, so if you have me bookmarked somewhere, please update that! HOWEVER, all of my old posts, recipes and years of quirky posts are still available for you to admire! =) I decided that I needed to make my blog easier to figure out, and by using my name as the url I have created the opportunity to open my blog up a little more and use it not only for my personal musings but also as a semi-professional blog.

As you can also probably tell, I have changed the title of my blog from "Don't forget to write, you'll need a stamp" (Which was actually quite hard for me... I've been running blogs under that title for nearly 4 years!) to "Her Wet Hair: musings of a hair stylist" which, despite how painful it was to change, I am super excited about it! I love the idea of something fresh and new, and since it's nearly spring, it was time to do some spring cleaning and make some changes!

Visually I am super stoked about my blog too. Recently my friend Taren over at Life of Taren renovated her blog, and it's super cute! I decided to go in the direction she took her blog - simple, easy to follow and pretty to look at! While I haven't gone all out and bought my URL yet like she has (it's definitely something I'm considering though!) I think I'm moving toward a better blogging experience for you and for me! 

I have also added a new page tab up at the top right of the blog. This tab will take you to a page dedicated to all the information you could possibly need about my hairdressing venture from where I work to when and how to get a hold of me! By adding this page, I hope that you might be able to share me with your friends and help me get my career off the ground! =)

 Otherwise, everything is basically the same. I plan on continuing to update my blog by adding a recipe link page to all the different food I've made over the years, plus I have a little more cleaning up to do around the blog... however I finally feel like I'm moving in the right direction for my future of blogging! After fighting with my blog for nearly 4 hours this morning, it's just time to take a break!

I look forward to sharing this new blog with you, and I hope that you enjoying reading my musings as much as I love writing them!

Blog, and be happy!
