Thursday, February 28, 2013

10 Part Blog Series: Coming soon!

So I've been tossing around the idea for a few weeks now that I would do a 10 part blog series answering some of the frequently asked questions I get at the salon all the time. I feel like I answer the same questions so frequently that it must be something that every stylists hears all day long as well, so putting all of my answers in one place seems like a good idea to me!

I always pride myself on being able to answer a lot of questions, and being patient with clients who are nervous or, my favourite, "hate hairdressers". You'd be surprised how many of these people I see, and how many of them I've been able to retain because I don't brush them off! There is something to be said about being a great hairdresser, but if you can be a great hairdresser and an even better friend to your clients by making them comfortable, I feel like you're setting yourself up for success!

So, starting hopefully next week, I've decided I'm going to dedicate a post a week for the next 10 to my blog series which I'm calling "From the Mouth of a Hair Stylist". I'm going to focus on a lot of key things I get asked about like what kind of haircut you should have, what products you should be using, and what sort of tools you need to have at home to make your life (and your hairdresser's!) easier.

While there obviously isn't any one straight answer to all of these questions - I find hairdressing is very objective in that everyone has their own way of doing things - I have done a lot of research on the answers I'm going to be providing. From well know experts in the trade to people I work with every day, I'm going to find answers to your burning hair questions and give you a helping hand!

I have some good ideas of where to start, but if you have any burning questions you need answered, let me know and I'll be happy to find those answers for you too!

I am SO looking forward to this blog series! Keep your eyes open, the answers and tips are coming! =)

Blog, and be happy!


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