Friday, May 13, 2011

A HUGE Update!

I haven't posted in almost 3 weeks (ouch!) but I have life to blame for that. My life has been so excessively busy, but I love it SO much! I'm also behind by 2 weeks posting on my other blog (whoops...) but I'm going to do a super post this weekend, so look out for that if you're interested in my progress at school these past few weeks! =)

I wouldn't have thought that school would consume my life as much as it does with it only being 3 days a week, but man does it consume my life. While school is only Wednesday-Friday, I generally spend much of my evenings studying, practicing, and in the last weeks I've spent my Tuesdays at the salon too, last week getting my hair done (and I LOVE it!). Next week we have a Bumble and Bumble work shop at Space Salon in Vancouver, which is affiliated with my hairdressing school, and I am REALLY excited about that too because we get lots of product knowledge and fantastic extra knowledge about what's in style, where it's going, and what Bumble and Bumble is doing to make those hairstyles easy for the consumer to have and make at home with their products. Super stoked.

Outside of my consumed hairdressing life, I've pretty much been working and sleeping. I get so tired so easily, as I have learned quickly that hairdressing is long days and there aren't many breaks. If you're doing it right, it hurts your arms pretty bad at first, but I can tell I'm getting stronger because blow-drying isn't as horrible as it was week one! Haha! Other than that, I'm spending time with my family and with Alex, catching up on TV shows and watching the Canucks kick giant butt in the playoffs! I'm pretty stoked about Round 3 - Go Canucks Go! #nowayjose

Pretty much, my life is busy as all heck... Thursdays are SO tiresome with choir and what not, but I DO have something I need to say in relation to choir:

I will not plug this anymore. If you come, you come, and I hope you do. It'll be a lot of fun, and we are quite a good choir. I hope you might consider this as an inexpensive night out, supporting a great non-profit organization I am so happy and proud to be a part of.

Lastly, I need to share this song with you. I'm sure you've all heard of Adele, she's freaking amazing, and her song Rolling in the Deep is on the radio near constantly. She has a new song that is slowly making its way onto the airways, and I need to share it, as it gives me shivers. Enjoy!

Maybe this update isn't quite as huge as I let it on to be... I thought a lot more had happened since the last time I posted, but I guess not. Perhaps I should change the title of this post, but I don't know what else to call it!

I hope you're all enjoying this month. I generally love May, although this may seems to be slightly colder and wetter than I remember May being. I hope that it gets brighter and warmer soon! =)

Until next time,

Blog, and be happy! (And Go, Canucks Go!)
