Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Social Network (Not the Film)

If you half read the title of this post as some of you might have (I am guilty of doing this often) this post is not about the 2010 film The Social Network, although that is a great film, and I think you should see it if you haven't. I've been contemplating a post like this for quite some time, but have never really been able to put into words exactly what I wanted to say on the topic of social networking. I think I've come up with some things to say, and I hope that you might have some opinions on this topic as well.

As many of you know, I am an avid Twitter and Facebook user. I'm also, obviously, a blogger, an email user, an occasional IM user, and I'm also finding my way through the world of Groupons and online deals. All of these things have one main source of power - The Social Network. It is what feeds our ability as a technology consumed society to be able to use the internet to efficiently waste time. Sort of.

I have come across many a person who do not believe in social networking, especially on a platform such as Twitter. Many people boo Twitter as being a "narcissistic way of posting about yourself constantly, but no one actually cares". While for some people this is the reality of Twitter, I believe there is a much more complex use for the system.

I won't lie. Do I use my twitter feed solely for the purpose of networking? No. I'm not sure anyone can completely use their twitter feed for the sole purpose of networking. But, I do use my twitter feed for posting, retweeting and updating people on the state of the world, on different things going on around Vancouver, and on things about me or things that I am doing that may be of interest to my followers. By posting these things, I'm connecting people together through the words I post, finding people with similar interests to me, making important strings of people that at any time I can count on to supply me with information, news, events and other things that may concern me or the people that follow me.

In this way, twitter has a huge capacity for finding people who are able to answer your questions, supply you with different opinions and allow for you to get a broad spectrum of ideas that float around out in cyberspace and all over the world. The twitterverse in that sense is much bigger, and much more useful for practical networking than a site like Facebook which really only allows you to network your real life friends, and the friends of those friends. Of course, Facebook has it's uses too.

I will give you a few personal stats here, and maybe it will give you a real idea of how much social networking has changed in the last 6 years:

In 2005 I started writing my very first blog. I posted on that blog close to 100 times and decided to close it off in 2007. In the 2 years I posted to that blog, I had 200 page views. In the 6 years it has been on the internet, it has had barely 250 views. In the time of 2005-2007 I thought that this was quite successful. My blog had 200 views! For someone 14, that's some kind of accomplishment, especially since this was on the cusp of the invention of social networking websites like Facebook.

In comparison:

In October 2010 I started posting to this blog. Since October, I have had 779 page views, not including any views that may happen to this post. In the past month, my blog has almost surpassed ALL the page views of my blog from 6 years ago. If I actually put effort into networking my blog, imagine the number of views I could have... the possibilities are endless.

The reason? Social networking. My #1 and #2 feeder sites to my blog? Facebook and Twitter respectively. I can almost guarentee that you found this post off of my personal Facebook page or my Twitter account. If you didn't, I am truely amazed, and thanks for taking a look!
I opened my Facebook account in early 2007, and my Twitter not so long after that although at the beginning I didn't use them much. Now of course I am an addict, and I've pretty much resigned myself to it. I decided to post to my facebook and twitter about the blog you are currently reading, not only so you would read it, but as a bit of a social experiment. How is it that in 6 months I could have 3 times as many views as a blog that has existed in cyberspace for 6 years?

Social Networking. It is the reality of the world. My words on this blog get read because you are socially networked to me via some program or website or you searched a random phrase and happened upon me. Without this new network of chains of people to connect you to me, this blog might have no views at all. My last blog barely got 1 view per post. On this blog, every post has at least 5 views, and some of my posts have exceeded 50 views.

Not only have you embraced my blog as an entertainment source (as I hope you get a tiny bit of enjoyment out of reading my blog!) but you have also provided me with the smallest amount of interesting data that allows me to say that personally, social networking has changed my life, and the amount of people who hear my voice. You, the people in my social network, the people who read my blog as I post, are the reason that I post, and you are the reason I will continue to explore the interesting ways that social networking can provide you with interesting new ways of enjoying life.

As my post is about networking, I thought I'd do a little bit of it myself and share with you a friend of mine's new blog. Revive Your Life is the new blog of my friend Taren, who is on the road to changing her life and becoming a personal trainer. It's a career that I am so excited to read about, and I am genuinely looking forward to reading her new blog just as much as I love to read her personal one!

I would also like to say, coming at the end of April 2011, I am starting up a new blog. I'm calling it Secrets of a Salon Student. I plan on using it to document my journey through hairdressing school, the trials, tribulations and successes of a girl attempting to reinvent herself, her career goals and her life as a whole. This is the official invite to join me on my journey, and I hope that I might get just as many views on that blog as I do on this one. The blog of course is in a Coming Soon stage, but I will be sure to remind you of it as I progress through the stages of getting myself into something I am so excited about. 36 days and counting, and I will be posting to my new blog as well as this one.

I hope you take a moment to think about your social network and the people in it, and that you are using your network to it's full capacity, and not just for killing time. While I do use those websites for some time wasting, I am genuinely working toward having a strong social network! This is the way the world is going, and I have decided to embrace it and get everything I can out of it before they start implanting computers into our brains or what ever direction technology decides to take.

Blog, and be happy! (Oh, and Go Canucks Go! #WinItForManny)


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Firstly, Secondly and a P.S.

Alright. I'm going to make this quick (although that usually means nothing, as quick usually turns out to be pretty long) I have a few things to share that I just want to get out there.

Firstly: I joined a new gym! I'm pretty stoked! Some of you may have heard of Club 16, Trevor Linden Fitness. It's the new gym that opened up in Coquitlam where the old Eagle Ridge Theatre was (for those of you who read this and have no idea what I'm talking about or don't care, bear with me. This post gets very exciting... but later.) Anyway, it opened up in February, and I was meaning to go take a look at it quite some time ago, but I really never got around to it, so my mom and I dropped in on Sunday, and ended up signing up. $14.99 a month people! I used to pay $40.00 to go to a Just Ladies gym down the road, and this gym is WAY nicer than that gym. In any case, I'm stoked to go use it tomorrow on my first day off since I signed up, and I'm hoping to be there for a while. If you live in the area and want to check it out, I'd really suggest it! Trevor Linden Fitness website talks a lot about the gym, and the partnership She's Fit, which is the ladies only side of the gym! Very cool!

Secondly: This is really the point of this post. I can't help but say SOMETHING about it. For those of you not on Twitter, I will get you up to speed. There is a girl who has been a trending topic for... well, I would guess probably 2 or 3 days now, and her name has moved progressively higher on the list until today I just couldn't help it any more, and I had to find out who the heck Rebecca Black was, and why the hell she was trending for so long. I figured she was someone stupid saying something really dumb - probably about something she has no idea about. To be honest, I was expecting what I thought was the worst, but I was wrong. SO WRONG.

Please see the following video, and watch it all the way through in order to understand my horror. You have to watch the whole thing though. Promise? Okay. Go.

When I told you this post got better, was I not right? I can't even being to explain how hilarious this is.
It starts off, and I'm thinking "oh, okay, it's another random teenager trying to get famous"
If she gets famous for more than this, I will seriously lose all faith in the music industry.

It's fun fun fun fun. I really wish today was Friday so I could say:
Yesterday was Thursday, today is Friday, tomorrow is Saturday, and Sunday comes afterward.

Thanks Rebecca Black. You made my life so easy now that your song tells me the days of the week.

Is this what music is coming to? FML if it is.

Now to leave you with something AMAZING. If you don't watch glee, that's okay. This is still an amazing song, one of the first original songs they've ever done. I enjoyed today's episode so much I needed to post something about it.... although this wasn't the happiest moment of the episode for me. K&B forever!!! =)

Just go ahead and hate on me and run your mouth,
So everyone can hear.
Hit me with the worst you got and knock me down,
Baby I don't care.
Keep it up and soon enough you'll figure out,
You wanna be, you wanna be
A loser like me!

Anyway, I hope you're enjoying your week! Have a good laugh, enjoy who you are (yes, even you Rebecca Black. I mostly feel sorry someone made you sing that song - you look like a fool.) and try to spend every minute the happiest you can be.

Blog, and be happy! (and Go, Canucks, Go!)


P.S. Thinking of Japan in their times of struggle. I hope you are too, and that you're able to give a little bit to the relief efforts to try and save the thousands of people who are now homeless and trying to look on the brighter side of a sad, sad tragedy.
Donate from your cellphone, text:
REDCROSS to 30333 for 5$ or REDCROSS to 90999 for 10$ donations (on most major carriers in Canada & USA)
Or find a donation box. They are everywhere, and they would be glad to take that extra dollar in your pocket!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

No Title. No Words to Explain.

I don't think it's possible to stress in life how important it is to take every moment that you have and use it to your fullest potential. I don't think I can say enough words to put into perspective how short life is, or how short it can turn out to be.

I find it incredible how intertwined the world is... how the loss of one person affects an immeasurable amount of people, and in a way that is really amazing. I think people have a way of touching each other without even knowing it... without ever even thinking they are making an imprint on the rest of that person's life. I hope one day you will think I left an impression, no matter how big or small, on your life.

With the loss of another young person taken too soon, another sad day engulfs my life and many others. Another friend is put to rest after a tragic crash ended her life last night at SFU, and while I will admit I hadn't seen or spoken to Autumn in quite some time, I think it's important to spend a small moment to remember someone. I spent much of my afternoon contemplating life, thinking deeply, and shedding a tear for a good soul taken far too soon from this world. Our world is a little worse now that she is gone.

As a distant friend, I can only imagine how those lucky enough to be close to her must feel. To her family: I am so sorry. There are no words to console a family who has lost a daughter, especially one as amazing as Autumn. To her friends: You do not feel your pain alone. There are many close and far who spent today in a somber mood, wishing it was anyone but her. I hope that no one forgets the impact, big or small, that she made on your heart. In the short time I knew her, I know that she made an impression on me that will remain with me even as the memories of her fade a little over time.

I was lucky to know her.

With this, I ask that you spend some time thinking of the people you care about, I've spent today in deep thought about who matters to me, and who I need to tell a little more often that I care about them. Anyone can be taken from you at any time. Life is too fragile to hate, to be mad... we must love.

It's raining in this city, this city who loved you. This world is a little worse than it was yesterday. A little less bright, a little colder, and filled with a little more pain.

Rest In Peace forever, Autumn. Your memory lives on in the hearts of the people who love you, in the lives of the people you touched, and in the thoughts of the people who were lucky enough to know you. You are a bright light blown out too soon.

And the world dims.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

March - A New Start!

So I haven't posted much lately due to nothing exciting to post about. I've spent most of the last two weeks doing nothing, but I feel that lately enough has happened to warrant a blog post, so here goes nothing.

Most recently, and most importantly, I got a new job! This is exciting for two reasons. One: it gets me out of the house, and two: I get to make some money! God knows I could use a few extra dollars. Today (Thursday) was my first day, and it was pretty good. I'm overwhelmed, tired, frustrated, not feeling like I'll ever get the hang of it... but that's how I feel about all jobs when I first start, so this isn't unusual. I work 6 days in a row, and by the looks of things, the last two will be by myself, so I need to get the hang of things really quickly. This would be easy if I didn't have a painful knee and I wasn't feeling terrible. Ugh. I didn't even go to choir tonight because I felt so terrible and my knee hurt so bad. Hoping I feel better tomorrow so that I can go back to work and feel okay when I'm there.

Secondly, As of today (Thursday, March 3rd) Alex and I have been together 11 months. 11 months is actually a long time, sure it's not quite a year, but when I think back on the last year (and a bit if you include the random dates and hanging out that preceeded our relationship for a few weeks or months, depending on who you ask or when you start counting...) of our relationship, it really feels like it's been a lot longer, and a lot shorter at the same time! Next month will be the big 1 year - big deal? Not a big deal? I'm not sure.

Thirdly, I've started to crochet a blanket. For those of you unfamiliar with crochet, it's a yarn craft, kind of like knitting, but with a a hook rather than two needles. It's really easy, and I really like doing it! I'd post a picture, but it looks really stupid right now... I'm sure you'll hear more about it as the project progresses and I'll post a photo of it when it's a little more completed and looks a little less stupid. I am determined to finish this project as I have a really bad habit of starting things like this and never actually finishing them... so I'm really buckling down to get it done. I'm looking forward to having something of my own creation that I can look at and say "I made that!" I think that would be a really great thing.

Fourthly (fourthly?) There is less than 2 months till I start school, and I am getting stoked. I really want it to be here now so I can get myself all into it... but alas, I must hold out a little bit longer. Oh well. Instead, I will put myself into my work, my blanket and reading my books until my life is over run with the busyness of work and school and all the other things that summer will bring for me to the point of severe tiredness (which is generally what tends to happen when I bite off more than I can chew... or as my grandma says when I "burn the candle from both ends" as this is not unusual for me.)

Anyway, I felt like I should leave you with two things:

Firstly (or fifthly if you're keeping track from above.. I'm really not sure what happens with these words after thirdly) a photo for your amusement. VancityBuzz posted this to the VancityBuzz blog (if you have twitter, and don't follow @VancityBuzz, you should! He often has good contests and things going on around metro vancouver!), and I thought it was hilarious, mostly because it's down the street from where I live, and because I'm not the biggest fan of transit. For anyone who has ever taken the bus in PoCo, or in the tri-city area in general... or really anywhere in the lower mainland that isn't the downtown core of Vancouver, this is for you:

Secondly, the video. Some of you may know Sara Bareilles from that song "Love Song" (you know... ♪ I'm not gunna write you a love song, 'cause you ask for it, 'cause you need one ♪... I'm sure this is unnecessary.) She just released a new song called Uncharted off of her new CD (which is really quite good!) and the video was put out a couple of days ago. I saw it through a Facebook post from a Canadian band that I'm quite fond of, Tegan and Sara, who have some cameos in the video. Along with Tegan and Sara, there are cameos by Ben Folds, Josh Groban, Jennifer Nettles from Sugarland, that lipsync kid from YouTube, Adam Levine from Maroon 5, and Ryan Tedder from OneRepublic, along with a few other people I don't know but who might be of interest to you! I'm going to leave you with this great music video of amazing lipsyncing to an amazing song. Enjoy!

Enjoy the rest of your first week of March, and the wonderful weekend ahead. I know that I'll try despite the upset tummy and the hurt knee! =)

Blog, and be happy! (and Canucks, please start winning!)
