Friday, November 14, 2014

Confessions of a Tired Stylist.

These past few weeks have really tested my passion, skill and want to be a hairdresser. Almost every day of this past month has made me question whether I've picked the career path that is right for me, regardless of how I actually feel about my real physical job. 

I've had experienced stylists push my limits and tell me that I won't survive in this industry. I've been told that I'm a loud and obnoxious stylist who can't be tolerated in the salon. I've been told that this career will kill me, that I am "very good" at my job, but that I should get out now.

I've had clients walk away after years of service for no apparent reason. I've had hair turn green and left the salon crying. Ive stayed hours late and had ungrateful clients leave without so much as a 'thanks for staying and taking me after hours'. I've had clients change to other stylists in the salon and not even acknowledge me, as if I have dropped off the earth. I've also heard 5 minute long excuses for why clients have switched to other stylists in the salon, even though there were no hard feelings in the first place. You have a right to see anyone you want to see. 

My shoulders hurt, my hands hurt, I have painful migraines and most of these things can be attributed my to job. 

And somehow I wake up every single day and come do this job. I struggle through frustrating relationships with coworkers and clients alike. I stand on my feet all day to make people beautiful and most days I leave feeling like I've accomplished nothing. 

But here's the worst part. 

I love my job. I love the look on little kids faces when they are excited to come see me. I love the old ladies that come in every week and drive me crazy with their repeat stories. I love the women who I get to make feel young and beautiful, and the guys who need a little help with that 'bald spot'. I love making art, and making people feel wonderful about themselves. I love the smile on people's faces when they've had a hard day and I've made them feel better. I love seeing such amazing people every day who make my life feel so full. I have AMAZING clients. Seriously, so amazing. I have got to be one of the luckiest people in the world to get to spend each day with them. 

And yet, here I am. Wondering if I should get out now. Instead of having people around me to foster my love for this career I'm smothered with so much hate. 

I'm exhausted. 

I'm 3 years in and I'm exhausted? 

What do I do? 


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