Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Review: My New Blender!

So I've wanted a personal blender for a long time... and while they aren't very expensive I just struggled with the thought of having two blenders at my house because that just seemed ridiculous!

However, the blender we have at my house is like a high powered beast of a blender. Seriously, it might as well be industrial with how loud and crazy it is. It's not exactly the best early morning blender, unless you want to wake up the whole neighbourhood! Also, I loved the thought of a personal blender being so much easier to clean and maintain since you blend the smoothie into the to-go bottle! It makes small, one person portions too, so there is much less waste than using a full sized blender. (I always seem to make enough smoothie for 4 people instead of just me!)

Since it was my birthday this past weekend, I decided that now was a good time while I have a few extra dollars in my pocket to go a buy the blender I always eye at various stores.

I did quite a bit of research on personal blenders because many of them have the blades built in to the bottom of the to-go mug. This was something that bothered me a little bit, and something that I think a lot of people don't think about! It kind of made me feel a little unsafe thinking that if I blended something and the blade broke inside the smoothie that I wouldn't know until the smoothie was finished! So, I set out to find a removable blade blender... and believe me when I say those things are NOT easy to find.

I looked all over the place at different blenders, and there are quite a few companies that make personal blenders. From Hamilton Beach all the way to the Magic Bullet, there are usually sections in the appliance area of a store dedicated to small blenders, however there was always one of two things:

1. The blade was built into the bottom of the mug, or
2. It was damn expensive!

I don't know about you, but I don't want to spend 99$ on a blender that I will literally use only for early morning and post work out smoothies! I could buy a whole new big blender for that much, so it just wasn't reasonable or necessary to spend that much on a mini blender.

Finally I saw the blender I ended up getting yesterday. The Oster MyBlend blender.

This is actually the perfect blender. It's compact, easy to use and easy on the wallet at only 34.99$, which includes the 600ml sports-style bottle. It's pretty high powered for being so little, and gets everything blended up in no time.  It's also great because they sell the bottles on the side in various colours, so the family can each have their own smoothie bottle!

I used it this morning for the first time and it was awesome. Thus far, I give it 5 stars! =)

So, if you need a mini blender, I'd definitely suggest this one!

Healthy smoothies to go for the win!

Blog, and be happy.


1 comment:

  1. You can go for Kutchina Best Hand Blender Reviews for smoothies at an affordable price. Recently I bought Kutchina hand blender from nearest store and it is amazing. It is the best hand blender I can say. It is easy and simple to use.
